Custom Indicators:

  • Custom Indicators are user defined indicators/indices which you can define/derive by combining multiple predefined indicators together with mathematical operations.
  • For an example, if you want to create a new custom indicator, which should give you "Population per sq. km of agriculatural land" , then you can simply specify the name as you wish like "Population per sq. km of agriculatural land" and then specify the formula for the same.
    In this case population per sq. km of agricultural land can be achived with division of two predefined indicators Population, total and Agricultural land (sq. km).
    For this, you can mention the formula as #Population, total#/#Agricultural land (sq. km)#.
    Please note that the predefined indicators are required to be enclosed between two # symbols.
  • The above example is very basic and simple; in practice you can create much more complex custom indicator.
  • You can find some sample syntax examples of formulas below:

    1.   POW( #Urban population# ,2) + POW( #Rural population#, 2) / SIN( #Goods imports (BoP, current US$)# - #Service imports (BoP, current US$)#)

    2.  IF( #Trade in services (% of GDP)# < 10, #Income payments (BoP, current US$)#, #Goods imports (BoP, current US$)#)

  • Below is the list of function/operators that can be used in the formulas
    POW(X,Y)X raised to power Y
    SQRT(X)Square Root
    EXP(X)e Raise to Power
    LN(X)Natural Log
    LOG(X)Natural Log
    LOG10(X)Base 10 Log
    LOG2(X)Base 2 Log
    IV(X,Y)Integer Division
    PI()PI Value
    DEGREES(X)Radian to Degree
    RADIANS(X)Degree to Radian
    ACOS(X)Arc Cosine
    ASIN(X)Arc Sine
    ATAN(X)Arc Tangent
    ATAN(X,Y)Arc Tangent
    ATAN2(X,Y)Arc Tangent
    IF(exp1,exp2,exp3)If exp1 then exp2 else exp3
    IFNULL(exp1,exp2)If exp1 is null then exp2 else exp1
    RAND()Random 0.0 t0 1.0
    >Greater Than
    <Less Than
    >=Greater Than or Equal
    <=Less Than or Equal
    ROUND(X)Round the Number